Sunday, October 21, 2007

What I have learned from my dad

My father is a good decision-maker and an optimist. He has taught me these qualities through his example as well as his words. Through the years, I have seen my dad have to make difficult decisions, and I have often asked for his help when I have a tough decision to make. One strategy he has taught me is to write down a list of the pros (benefits or advantages) and cons (drawbacks or disadvantages) of each outcome of my decision. Often, seeing the options in writing helps me make my decision. Then, after I make my decision, as my father has advised, I focus on those pros and move forward with my decision. I think being able to not second-guess or not regret my decision ties into being an optimist. By focusing on the benefits, I look at the “bright side.” Being an optimist also is helpful when I have a bad day. My dad has encouraged me to focus on something good that happened that day instead of the bad things that could get me down. Some good things I like to remember on bad days are to notice when the weather is beautiful, to be grateful for a good parking spot, or to be thankful for my family and my health. When I think about these good things, I don’t feel so down about the bad things. My dad is a great teacher, and in these two points—decision-making and optimism—he has greatly impacted my life.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Two Are Better Than One

When people move to another place, it can be a stressful time, even if they move within the same country. I have moved several times in my life, but the last time was 9 years ago when I moved to Iowa City. I felt lonely, I didn’t know my way around, and I didn’t know important information like what doctors my children should go to. The solution to my problem was to make friends with people who had lived in Iowa City for a long time. First, my friends encouraged me when I felt lonely and missed my former home. Second, my friends helped me with directions around town so I didn’t get lost. Finally, my friends were a wealth of information, offering suggestions for doctors, shopping, and entertainment. In conclusion, my advice to people who move to Iowa City is to get involved in an organization or club so they can make new friends.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

My Favorite Movie Genre

My favorite movie genre is Romantic. One reason is that I like to see how a romance develops between characters. Another reason is that I like to guess who will fall in love with whom, and then see if I am right. I prefer Romantic movies that have a happy ending. I also think it is fun to laugh in Romantic Comedies. I enjoy newer movies (like “The Lake House”) and older movies (like “Roman Holiday”—even though the ending isn’t so happy). My favorite Romantic movie of all time is “Pride and Prejudice,” both the 1995 version and the 2005 version. Even though I have seen both movies LOTS of times, I still enjoy the thrill of figuring out when Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy actually fall in love, and whether or not they will get together in the end. Other Romantic movies I like are “Persuasion,” “Sense and Sensibility,” “Emma,” “You’ve Got Mail,” “Ever After,” and “The Princess Bride.”