Saturday, December 1, 2007

Actions Speak Louder than Words

There is an English expression that says, “Actions speak louder than words.” This means that what a person does is more important than what he or she says. I think this is a true statement, and can sometimes be a difficult standard to live by. As a parent, I need to teach my children important values. For example, if I tell them not to lie, I need to tell the truth at all times. This weekend I had a chance to reinforce this lesson with my son when we went shopping at Walmart. After I parked my van, I opened my driver's side door. Just then, a gust of wind caught my door and caused it to open faster than I had intended. As a result, my door hit the truck next to me and left a mark on it. The owner of the truck was not there, and if I chose to not admit my mistake, I wouldn't have had to pay for any consequences. However, that would not have been truthful. So, I wrote a note explaining what had happened and included my name and phone number. I put the note under the windshield wiper of the truck. My son and I talked about how it was important that I told the truth about what had happened. Later, the owner of the truck called me and said she appreciated my being honest. This was a chance to let my actions speak—and maybe my son will remember what I did. I don’t always succeed in matching my actions to what I say to my kids, but I try.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A Dream for the Future

I don’t often dream about my future because I feel so busy in my present, but someday I would like to travel with my family. There are many places I want to travel to—Greece, Turkey, Egypt, just to name three. I also would like to travel to countries where my students come from so that I can understand a little more about their cultures. :) I would like my children to be able to experience differences from what they are accustomed to. It is so amazing to see the common bond all people share no matter their cultural background or race—and by travelling abroad, my children would be able to see that. I think I have learned more about myself and my own heritage when I have travelled—and I think that would be a good lesson for my children as well. To make my dream come true, I will have to wait until my children are older and I save a lot of money!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Thanksgiving Holiday

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite American holidays. The first Thanksgiving meal occurred when early European settlers, called Pilgrims, and Native Americans ate together to celebrate a harvest. The Pilgrims and the Native Americans shared their traditional foods. One reason why I like Thanksgiving is that it is a family holiday. Most Americans get together with their extended families—aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. Some Americans get together with close friends if they can’t visit their families. I love getting together with my extended family. Traditionally, we eat a lot of good food, play games, and watch football on TV. Another reason I like Thanksgiving is that it is a time to reflect on the good things in my life. Sometimes I hurry around and forget to appreciate the blessings in my life. I am thankful for my husband, my children, and many more things that I don’t have room to list. The last reason I like Thanksgiving is that it is not a “commercial” holiday. Unlike Christmas or Easter or Halloween, stores aren’t filled with all kinds of things to buy to celebrate the holiday. Thanksgiving is based on food and thankfulness, which are simple pleasures. In conclusion, Thanksgiving for me is a wonderful holiday.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Home is where your heart is

I might be a little boring, but my favorite place in the Iowa City area is my home. :) I like my home because that is where I spend most of my time with my family. I like to paint the walls and decorate my house. I have a lot of ideas for my house, but my time and money are limited for what I can do. I also like my neighborhood. We moved into our house in 2000, and our house was the only one finished on our street. In a short time, however, many more houses were built and more families moved in. My kids have a lot of friends to play with. Also, many of my neighbors are from around the world—China, Russia, Korea, India, and Nigeria. I think I live in a great place!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

What I have learned from my dad

My father is a good decision-maker and an optimist. He has taught me these qualities through his example as well as his words. Through the years, I have seen my dad have to make difficult decisions, and I have often asked for his help when I have a tough decision to make. One strategy he has taught me is to write down a list of the pros (benefits or advantages) and cons (drawbacks or disadvantages) of each outcome of my decision. Often, seeing the options in writing helps me make my decision. Then, after I make my decision, as my father has advised, I focus on those pros and move forward with my decision. I think being able to not second-guess or not regret my decision ties into being an optimist. By focusing on the benefits, I look at the “bright side.” Being an optimist also is helpful when I have a bad day. My dad has encouraged me to focus on something good that happened that day instead of the bad things that could get me down. Some good things I like to remember on bad days are to notice when the weather is beautiful, to be grateful for a good parking spot, or to be thankful for my family and my health. When I think about these good things, I don’t feel so down about the bad things. My dad is a great teacher, and in these two points—decision-making and optimism—he has greatly impacted my life.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Two Are Better Than One

When people move to another place, it can be a stressful time, even if they move within the same country. I have moved several times in my life, but the last time was 9 years ago when I moved to Iowa City. I felt lonely, I didn’t know my way around, and I didn’t know important information like what doctors my children should go to. The solution to my problem was to make friends with people who had lived in Iowa City for a long time. First, my friends encouraged me when I felt lonely and missed my former home. Second, my friends helped me with directions around town so I didn’t get lost. Finally, my friends were a wealth of information, offering suggestions for doctors, shopping, and entertainment. In conclusion, my advice to people who move to Iowa City is to get involved in an organization or club so they can make new friends.